Following Board qualifications in General Surgery and in Plastic Surgery, Military Service as Navy Surgeon and three subsequent years of Plastic Surgery Fellowship in the United States, Enrico Robotti
became Chief of the Department of Plastic Surgery of the “Ospedali Riuniti” (now “Papa Giovanni XXIII”) in Bergamo, Italy since 1997. With over 9000 cases to present date, he has been very active in
general reconstructive plastic surgery, with emphasis on flap reconstruction in the head&neck region, extremities, and trunk, including microsurgery. In private practice, he is involved in cosmetic
surgery, with widely predominant focus on rhinoseptoplasty. In recent years, he has also specifically focused on complex secondary and tertiary cases, with a vast caseload involving patients from all the
country and abroad. Dr Robotti has authored or co-authored over 500 papers and presentations, and has been chairman, moderator, panelist or invited speaker at a large number of national and
international meetings. He has organized 18 live-surgery courses in plastic surgery, hosting renowned international surgeons at the “Ospedali Riuniti”. He has founded and directed the “First Bergamo
Open Rhinoplasty Course” in Bergamo in 2008, an international biennial intensive course specifically devoted to open rhinoplasty. Subsequent expanded editions of the course followed in 2010, 2012,
2014 and 2016, with a wide participation of international attendees. The 2018 edition, with over 600 participants from 64 countries, established the “Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course” as one of the
foremost rhinoplasty symposia in the world. Since January 2015, Dr Robotti also started the ” Bergamo Advanced Minifellowship in Revision Rhinoseptoplasty”, a “hands on” course for a limited number
of international surgeons with an interest in this field. Since October 2017, he also runs the “Live Surgery with Enrico Robotti” course, on a “one-to-one” educational format regarding primary and
secondary rhinoplasty. Dr Robotti is regularly invited for lectures and live surgery in the major symposia regarding rhinoplasty worldwide. Dr Robotti is Associate Professor in Plastic Surgery at the
University of Torino and Milano, as well as member of SICPRE, ASPS, ISAPS, ESPRAS and EASAPS. He was President of SICPRE (the Italian Society of Plastic Surgery) for the year 2012-2013 and organized
the National meeting of the Society in 2014. Prior to this, he sat for six years in the advisory board of SICPRE. Dr Robotti is a member of the Education Council of ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic
Surgery) and is an ISAPS International Visiting Professor since 2013. He is Reviewer for “Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery” and “Aesthetic Plastic Surgery” regarding the topic of Rhinoseptoplasty. He is
founding member and current President-Elect of the “The Rhinoplasty Society of Europe”, European counterpart and sister to the ” Rhinoplasty Society US”. Dr Robotti also teaches at the Post Graduate
Masters in Aesthetic Surgery of the Universities of Milan and Padova on the topic of “Open Rhinoplasty”.